Step by Step Installation Vicidial scratch installation in Centos 6.9 , with asterisk 11, latest dahdi and latest SVN version Vicidial scratch installation in Centos 6.X with Asterisk 11 , latest Vicidial Steps Involved 1. Centos 6.X os installation 2. Dependencies , supporting software and CPAN Modules 3. Asterisk , dahdi , libpri installation 4. Vicidial installation Step 1 : Centos 6.X installation The Centos 6.X can be download from the following Link Centos 6.X installation steps can be found from following Link Disable Firewall and Selinux before starting the Installations Stopping the Firewall iptables -F service iptables save Disabling the Selinux vim/etc/selinux/config # This file controls the state of SELinux on the system. # SELINUX= can take one of these three values: # enforcing – SELinux security policy is enforced...